With a 25-year routine, we can help with almost any electrical device that has been damaged by storms, lightning, flooding, overcurrent or other damage. Lightning shock – Expert opinion and repair of TVs, laptops, computers and household appliances also in the event of a lightning strike. Request an appointment now and bring in or send your device to our service for inspection.


Nowadays, damages caused by lightning, lightning strikes, storms or immersion in technical equipment are common, e.g. in the case of laptops, TVs, printers, computers, alarms, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, hi-fi systems, amplifiers, speakers, saunas, zepter, xbox, bioptron light therapy, playstation devices . Storm damage is related to lightning damage, these terms belong to the specialist jargon of insurance companies. So we can help you with all kinds of electrical expert opinions and electrical expert opinions.

TV expert opinion

TVs are often destroyed during a storm. Many people require the TV expert opinion and TV service.

tv szakvélemény
tv szakvélemény

The power supply unit is damaged mainly in the case of TVs when the TV does not start, does not turn on or does not display a picture after lightning or a storm.
Since TV service is one of our main activities, we also offer to repair the TV, if we see a chance for it to be serviced.




Laptop lightning strike expert opinion

Was the weather bad and your laptop won’t charge or turn on? Does the insurance company request the purchase of a laptop expert opinion with the help of a service?
It is typical for portable computers that they are sensitive to overcurrent. Especially in storms and lightning strikes, it happens that the laptop does not turn on at all and the laptop charger does not receive power, the laptop does not charge and does not respond to anything. Of course, we also repair the laptop if it is economical and worth servicing and the customer requests it.

laptop szakvélemény
laptop szakvélemény

If you want to save the data from your faulty device, we can help with that in most cases.

Are you interested in a laptop review, TV review or any other technical device review? Laptop notebook lightning damage, water damage, storm, flooding, spilled, broken into, broken TV, tablet, monitor, router, repair of hi-fi devices, insurance
administration, expert opinion for the claims expert and clients. If your laptop device has been damaged by lightning, liquid, overcurrent caused by storms, short circuits, broken pipes, or other elements, call us for an insurance expert opinion. The invoice must be requested in the name of the insured. Don’t forget to report your claim to your insurance company as soon as possible!

Lightning shock – Expert opinion:

Request an expert opinion at Itech Szerviz 1151 Budapest Szövőgyár utca 2.,

Send the error and the model number to:

I will send you in the reply when you can pick it up, but you can also send it by post.
Don’t leave without an appointment if you bring it in person!
Please do not call first: +36704202108

Where is the service located?

Don’t leave without making an appointment!

Lightning shock – Expert opinion
Pest: 1151 Bp., Szövőgyár u. 2.
Buda: 1037 Bp., Vadóc u. 122.
Tel: +36 70 420 2108